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In the area of Education we have a program of scholarships dedicated to environmental issues.  We believe in going out in the field and seeing first-hand the problems caused by environmental issues. Research is important, but a person who has “done” things will have a greater chance of bringing about change where and when it is needed


In fighting poverty, we act through selected third parties.  So far and in order to be most effective we have focused on Argentina and Italy. This is due to family connections and that Argentina is the country in which we believe we can make the greatest difference.

Climate Change

Communication of policy on climate change. We are funding “Cleaning Up” an initiative launched by Michael Liebreich which embraces 100% what we believe in.  This initiative brings together some of the greatest academics, entrepreneurs and thinkers in areas related to climate change and sustainable energy.

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Short History

The Gilardini Foundation was founded by Prof Gianfranco Gilardini in 1980 with the idea of helping Italian students continue their studies in the United States.  It was aimed at students of engineering, urban planning and architecture, with the first scholarships awarded in the 1980s to US Universities.

Prof. Gianfranco Gilardini had hoped to spend his life as an academic, but with four children and a wider family to support, he went into business. He became very successful and his greatest achievements can be seen in Monaco, where he was responsible for increasing the land area of the Principality by nearly one third by reclaiming the waterfront.

He founded many companies amongst which Stretto di Messina SpA, the company responsible for the Straits of Messina bridge project. He built several marinas in Italy - Marina Cala Galera, Marina Cala De’ Medici, and Marina Di Nettuno - and was CEO of successful industrial companies in Italy and abroad.

In 1991, his son, Pietrojan Gilardini, extended the reach of the Gilardini Foundation by initiating an annual travel Scholarship for students at Pembroke College Oxford.

The Foundation and has since funded several other initiatives. 



About Pietrojan Gilardini

After a degree in Engineering and Economics from Oxford University, Pietrojan gained an MBA at Columbia University in New York, winning top grades in Environmental Law at Columbia Law School. His overriding interest is the relationship between humanity and the environment. 

After he left Oxford, he spent 6 months working for Jacques Cousteau.  After Columbia, he worked in private equity (Anacostia and Pacific), at Deutsche Bank for 10 years, returning to Private Equity with Star Capital.  Over the last 4 years he has focused on wind and solar development and made successful investments in several start-ups including New Energy Finance and in REM, a UK smart metering company. 




through the funding of scholarships


Poverty and Health

through funding specialized NGOs



through communication of policy and practical measures


Supported Institutions, Charities, and Financial Partners